
What is an example of a black swan event?

Listed below are examples of notable black swan events: Digital Age (“Dot Com” Era) – i.e. Rise of the Internet, Adoption of Personal Computing, Mobile Phones. Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001. 2008 Global Financial Crisis – i.e. the “Great Recession”.

What is considered a black swan event?

What is a Black Swan Event? A black swan event is an unpredictable event with severe consequences. These events are considered to have a low probability and a high cost. Given their low probability level, there is generally little risk mitigation planning targeted at them, which results in unusually high losses when they arise.

What the Heck is a black swan event?

Black Swan Events Definition. The term “black swan” – popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb – refers to unpredictable events with often catastrophic consequences. According to Taleb, the three traits of a black swan event are: Rarity – i.e. Unpredictable Outlier; Results in Severe Consequences

